Apr 1, 2013 | 1 & 2 Corinthians, Christian Living, The Bible
I remember watching my father, years ago, while he was dying. That may sound a little morbid, but stick with me—we’ll get to the resurrection in a minute. He had emphysema, and we watched him suffer for a number of years as he slowly died. I remember sitting at his...
Mar 27, 2013 | 1 & 2 Corinthians, Christian Living
Have you ever wondered why Adam and Eve didn’t die at the very moment they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden? I remember asking my mother when I was young. She explained to me that death was bigger than just that moment, and it involved more than simply...
Mar 25, 2013 | Christian Living, Romans, The Bible
We talk a lot about what Jesus’ death means for us, especially in this season of the year. But what did death mean for Jesus? How did he interpret his life and his purpose in light of his own death? Adam and Jesus Christ in Romans 5 The book of Romans makes a...
Mar 20, 2013 | Christian Living, Higher Education, The Bible
Universities spend a lot of time thinking about different kinds of diversity, and Houston Baptist University is no exception. Diversity at the University At our opening Convocation service each semester, the faculty members join me on stage in their full academic...
Mar 18, 2013 | Christian Living, Culture, Higher Education
Christians enjoying success in the field of philosophy today can thank Arthur Holmes for helping them get there. Holmes taught philosophy at Wheaton College for more than 40 years, where he wrote and spoke about the integration of faith and learning. He died in 2011,...
Mar 13, 2013 | Christian Living, Family, Higher Education
Memory is a key part of our work at Houston Baptist University. We’re shaped by the people and events that came before us, and we want to be intentional about cultivating good memories that will shape us all in the years to come. Memory is a powerful force, and we...