Peace: It’s Bigger Than You Think

Peace: It’s Bigger Than You Think

God wants you to experience his peace in the midst of this evil age, and there’s more to that than you might realize. When we think of God’s peace, we tend to imagine an inner experience, or a sense of quiet. The word can refer to those things, but it is primarily one...
Learning Discernment: Sluggards Need Not Apply

Learning Discernment: Sluggards Need Not Apply

There is a certain discipline that people of maturity have practiced so that their senses and abilities are trained to discern good and evil. This discernment does not come naturally; it must be intentionally developed. Paul taught in his first letter to the church in...
Marriage and its Opposites

Marriage and its Opposites

Scripture forbids homosexual behavior because it is the very antithesis of marriage. In Romans 1, Paul, with breathtaking speed, described homosexual experience as impure, dishonorable, degrading, and against nature. God, as an act of wrath, gave people over to those...