Psalm 84: What You Need to Know

Psalm 84: What You Need to Know

Have you ever noticed how hard it is for us to be in the presence of God? This world completely dominates our senses; that’s part of why we need specific places of worship. The very sign of fallenness takes place when people allow themselves to be overwhelmed by the...
Psalm 23: What You Need to Know

Psalm 23: What You Need to Know

I associate Psalm 23 with an uncle who passed away when I was a child. He was a World War II veteran and he was, as we used to say, shell-shocked. He had a terrible nervous disorder. Doctors were unable to control his blood pressure and he died unexpectedly one night....
How is God Like a Shepherd?

How is God Like a Shepherd?

The notion of the Lord as our Shepherd and we His people as His sheep is a common idea in Scripture. Most of these shepherd images may be grouped into one of two contexts. God Brought His Flock Out of Egypt First, the Lord is the shepherd who brought Israel His flock...
Psalm 24: Who is the King of Glory?

Psalm 24: Who is the King of Glory?

Psalm 24 is called a Psalm of Ascent. It leads us upward to the hill of the Lord, to the high place where the temple is built upon a rock. Pay attention to the ways in which you, the reader, are led upward toward the throne of God as you read this Psalm. After the...
Psalm 24: Clean Hands and a Pure Heart

Psalm 24: Clean Hands and a Pure Heart

Psalm 24 is, in its structure, fairly simple. It has three main parts and they’re very clear in what they say. The opening verses declare that the God of Israel is the creator God. Like Genesis 1, Psalm 24 begins with a strong assertion that God is the creator who...
History and Tradition: What You Need to Know

History and Tradition: What You Need to Know

Our family has enjoyed watching Fiddler on the Roof together over the years—you’re probably familiar with the Broadway play or the movie. The story begins, of course, with the image of a figure fiddling atop a roof. The narrator, a man named Tevye, appears. Seeing the...