Oct 9, 2013 | Christian Living, Romans, Theology
Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans that he was “called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God.” (Romans 1:1) Exactly what did he mean when he used the word gospel? Gospel in Greek The word gospel has two related, but distinct, meanings in scripture. In...
Sep 18, 2013 | 1 & 2 Corinthians, Romans, Theology
When you read the book of Romans, keep in mind that you’re reading a letter, not a systematic theology. You can learn a lot about Paul and about his beliefs if you take the time to pay careful attention to his words. Romans 16:25-26 For example, look at Romans 16:25,...
Sep 16, 2013 | 1 & 2 Corinthians, Christian Living, Higher Education
Things do not always go according to plan. In fact, at times, your life will certainly not go according to your plans. You will experience tragedy—we all do, eventually. How will you respond? How will you endure through hard times? God is at work in the process even...
Sep 11, 2013 | Christian Living, Romans, Theology
In two of my recent blog posts, I talked about the fact that you can’t properly understand New Testament theology unless you have an appreciation for the writers’ eschatology—their beliefs about the end times. Eschatology When we use the word eschatology today we...
Sep 5, 2013 | Romans, Theology
The Jews had always assumed that when Messiah came, that would be the end of the world, but as it turns out it was merely the beginning of the end. We’re still here. When Messiah came, He told his disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the...