What’s in a Name? Jesus Gives Names

What’s in a Name? Jesus Gives Names

When God spoke his name to Moses at the burning bush, he uttered a word so holy that for centuries it was almost never spoken aloud. We still don’t know today how the word was pronounced. I wrote about the sacred tetragrammaton, the four letters, in a recent blog...
Wisdom and Authority: Pity the Fool

Wisdom and Authority: Pity the Fool

What is my opinion worth? It’s easy for us to say some pretty ridiculous things in an effort to keep from offending others. “Your opinion is just as good as anybody else’s” is a common sentiment, but it’s hardly ever true. My take on what a basketball team should do...
Watch and Pray: The Flesh is Weak

Watch and Pray: The Flesh is Weak

Rebellion against God will warp and twist your soul. It will change you, and will rob you of discovering who God made you to be. The temptation to rebel can seem insurmountable at times, and our culture has seen to it that young people are hit especially hard. The...