Today on A Higher Education Radio: Dr. Michael Sloan
Most of you already know that you can hear me teach the Scriptures from the comfort of your home each week day via my radio program, A Higher Education. Today’s episode, which will air at 3:00 PM CST on FM 100.7 in Houston and at KKHT.com, is particularly special...
What is the Gospel?
When our son Paul was about three years old, he was given a t-shirt that had a picture of a dinosaur on the front. When we used to ask Paul what was on his shirt, he would grin and say, "Triceratops. Can you say that?" We would answer, "Well yeah, Paul, that is a...
Enroll With Dr. Jeremiah Johnston, Jordan and Anna Sekulow, and Me in A Higher Education
I spoke with Jordan and Anna Sekulow from the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), and with Dr. Jeremiah Johnston from the Christian Thinkers Society (CTS) on A Higher Education radio. Religious freedom is a vital issue, whether you’re defending the...
What Gets Your Attention? Bad News and Good News
A number of years ago, my doctor told me that my cholesterol numbers were too high, and that I should do something about it. I decided to stop eating eggs for breakfast. Eighteen months later, my doctor scared me by calling me at home one night. He said to me, "Your...
What Would Make A Proud Man Beg?
There are not many things in life that will make me beg. Sue and I have seven children and seventeen grandchildren.* I can say with confidence that, if my wife were to threaten to leave me, I would beg her to stay--not only for the sake of our family, but also because...
Why did Paul defend his own apostleship?
In 2 Corinthians Paul gives a sustained defense of his apostleship. He had received quite a number of "slaps in the face" from the Corinthian congregation, and from certain opponents in Corinth. Though Paul was the founder of the Church and had spent some eighteen...
Philippians: Live Faithfully, No Matter What
Years ago, the first pastorate I ever had was at a little church in a farming community south of Waco. It’s not there anymore, but I’ll never forget the wonderful experiences I had there—ministering to those people, learning from them, and being blessed by them. I...
How Should Christians Think About Money?
Some people become wealthy by expending their gifts in good and faithful ways. At the same time, others remain poor even though they also expend their gifts in good and faithful ways. As Christians, we must consider what the Bible says about money and finances. How...
How Paul Transformed a Pagan Paradigm
The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians while he was cold and hungry in Roman imprisonment—yet he was able to say with confidence, I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how...