When you study the book of Philippians you’ll come across the theme of joy. You’ll come across the theme of gospel. Paul often refers to the word gospel and the notion of the gospel, which is the death and resurrection of Jesus, the message of the death and resurrection of Jesus — he refers to that many times in this great epistle.

Paul often also refers to the day of Christ, or the day of the Lord; that day in the future towards which he wants the Philippians to press and to drive. The day of the Lord has this notion of forward movement in it when you think about it.

And then there are other themes. There’s the theme of unity in the book of Philippians. “If there is any fellowship in Christ Jesus, if there is any compassion, make my joy complete,” Paul says in chapter 2. Chapter 2:1-4 captures this important theme of unity and peace and fellowship within the body of Christ. So why is all of that important?

And then of course you have this great passage in chapter 2, this passage that pertains to the example of Christ who left His heavenly throne and took to Himself the shape of humanity, and “Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross.” (Philippians 2:8)

Paul is pointing to the movement of Jesus’ life, His glorious royal heavenly status with the Father, His incarnation — His coming to us in the shape and form of a man — and then His movement, His life of obedience, is a movement toward a goal, toward the cross. This obedience to the point of death, even death on a cross.

More Reading on Philippians

Do you want to read more about Philippians? I have a series of blogs about Philippians entitled “Momentum” that start here:

  1. Momentum: A Study of Philippians
  2. Founding the Church at Philippi: Acts 16-17
  3. Philippians: Paul’s Joy in Affliction
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