May 18, 2015 | Christian Living, Church History, Family
Sue and I were on the Island of Patmos years ago, at the Grotto of St. John where, according to tradition, John was given the visions that make up our book of Revelation. You might think that the secluded monastery in that place would be peaceful, but we had to laugh...
Feb 9, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible
Give us this day our daily bread. Years ago, one of my seminary professors quite rightly pointed out that the Lord’s Prayer does not say, “Give us this day our daily cake.” The kind of bread that we buy in stores probably would not sustain life for...
Feb 4, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible
Sin begins with the inability to give God worship. It is a denial of who we are; when we refuse to call God the Creator and to give Him the worship He is due, we deny that we are creatures. We begin to become less than human. The Lord’s Prayer begins with...
Aug 20, 2014 | Christian Living, Philippians, Psalms
What a blessing it is to know that the God with whom we have to do is not a God who is remote. No, He’s the God who is near. He is present. “Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near.” (Philippians 4:5) Why did Paul say “The Lord is near” at this...
Apr 7, 2014 | Christian Living, Philippians, The Bible
We must be ready to “strive for the gospel” during times of opposition like those the Philippians faced. How can we prepare? Practice is Necessary I mentioned a story from the Titanic in my last post—Captain Edward Smith’s crew understood that when he told them to “be...