Aug 1, 2019 | Christian Living, Culture
The start of a new school year is approaching and whether students go to the same school they did last year or a new one this coming year, they will be frequently asked, “What is your name?” It’s a foundational question that forms a beginning point...
Oct 24, 2018 | Christian Living, College Tips
College is a time of discovery. I don’t mean sinful discovery, though many students use it for that purpose and to their detriment. No, I mean discovering passions and interests. I mean trying a lot of new things, making new (often lifelong) friends, and learning a...
Apr 3, 2017 | Christian Living, HBU Faith & College Series, The Bible
The Christian worldview starts with the one true and living God, who is good and purposeful, who keeps His word, and who is the creator of all things: The God of Scripture. As soon as we invoke the notion of Scripture, we are beginning to talk about the big story of...
Aug 26, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible
Did you know that one little word has probably caused you to misinterpret one of the most well-known verses in the Bible? Probably the best-known verse in all the Bible is John 3:16. Sad to say, it may also be the most frequently misinterpreted verse in all of...
Jul 9, 2015 | Psalms, The Bible
Jesus’ mind was so completely immersed in the Psalms that they were His life—both His inner life and His historical life. The Psalms taught Him His mission, how His life was to play out. Of course, you can’t divide up the Old Testament as if one passage wasn’t...