Momentum: A Study of Philippians
The apostle Paul had an unusual relationship with his friends in the house churches at Philippi. He was in prison when he wrote, I thank God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy. (Philippians 1:3) Paul used...
Tracks to Run on: The Mission of the Church [Video]
Do you know what your church’s mission statement is? To the extent that that mission statement is grounded in scripture, it is solid and it is strong. It’s good for organizations to have mission statements. Kingsland Baptist Church, where this video was recorded, has...
Foundations of the Faith [Video]
Are you still keeping your New Years’ resolutions? Plenty of people will tell you that resolutions are a waste of time, because all they do is set you up for failure. I disagree. Of course we’re often going to fail to keep our resolutions! But if you make a...
Growing with Grace: Contentment
At the end of his life, the great Apostle Paul saw death as another point of departure, and also as a pushing forward: “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14) Paul’s life on earth was governed by a rich...
Life in Christ [Video]
Get your Bibles out as you join me in this video, which was recorded at Kingsland Baptist Church on December 29, 2013. I’ll talk about how the scriptures explain the concepts of light and glory, and I’ll pay special attention to the Gospel of John. Thank you for...
Growing with Grace: Our Purpose in Life
We tend to avoid talking about death and old age because we don’t want to be seen as morbid. There’s some good to this, but it can make it harder for us to address these inevitable occurrences head on. The Apostle Paul offers us a different model in his letter to the...
Growing with Grace: To Depart and be with Christ
There’s one quip about old age and birthdays that I don't like: “If you’re tired of getting old, just consider the alternative.” That assumes a pretty dreary alternative, and Christians should know better. "To depart and be with Christ" The Apostle Paul’s attitude is...
Don’t Miss Christmas: The Joy of Christmas [Video]
This is the time of year when the joy of Christmas is a theme that we celebrate. There are so many signs of the season all around us. Listen to Dr. Robert Sloan talk about his family at Christmas, anticipation, the songs found in the Gospel of Luke, the importance of...
Don’t Miss Christmas: Hearing God’s Voice [Video]
Related Video: Don't Miss Christmas: The Joy of Christmas Related Thanksgiving and Christmas Blogs: Unexpected Christmas Messages Who deserves my thanks? Don't Miss Christmas: Are you ready? This video was recorded on December 1, 2013, at Kingsland Baptist Church. Dr....