Jun 24, 2013 | Christian Living, Psalms, Theology
The writers of the Bible often compared and contrasted the righteous man and the wicked man. Indeed, we must choose daily which of these images we want to emulate. But what about our children? How does one begin to teach a child to choose right from wrong? How...
May 15, 2013 | Christian Living, The Bible
Jesus taught in so many different ways. You’re no doubt familiar with his parables — today I’m going to look at a teaching tool you might not recall him using. Jesus sometimes taught using brief verbal vignettes packed with meaning. At first glance these proverbs seem...
Feb 4, 2013 | Christian Living, College Tips, The Bible
What is my opinion worth? It’s easy for us to say some pretty ridiculous things in an effort to keep from offending others. “Your opinion is just as good as anybody else’s” is a common sentiment, but it’s hardly ever true. My take on what a basketball team should do...
Jan 30, 2013 | Culture, Higher Education
I didn’t really enjoy the movie Napoleon Dynamite the first time I saw it. My kids asked me to watch it with them after it came out a few years ago. Though I noticed a few funny lines, I thought it was silly and didn’t have much point to it. When I heard my...