Nov 9, 2015 | Christian Living, Family, Psalms
It’s oftentimes hard to get to church. I remember that when our 7 kids were small, Sue and often I found it difficult to get all those little shoes and socks matched up on Sunday mornings. It wasn’t always easy to get everyone in the car on time to leave for church....
Jun 22, 2015 | Christian Living, Family, Romans
I recall when my father passed away. He had been bed-ridden for some time, and his body was weak. I remember looking at his hands, with their bruises and IV needles. He had big, strong hands with beautiful long fingers that could wrap around a baseball. So many...
Jun 10, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible
In Acts 2 on the Day of the Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the people gathered in Jerusalem, and the miracle of languages took place. The Bible says the people were amazed: And they all continued in amazement and great perplexity, saying to one another,...
Jan 7, 2015 | Christian Living, Culture, The Bible
When Christ who is our life is revealed, you will be revealed with Him in glory. Glory is a word that means “light.” Sometimes glory also means heaviness; think of the overwhelming brightness of the presence of God. When the children of Israel made the...
Jul 9, 2014 | Christian Living, Philippians, The Bible
The Apostle Paul lost everything when he answered the Lord’s call. He was a wealthy, well-educated Jew with a high social standing when he became a Christian. How did he respond to these losses? “I have suffered the loss of all things,” Paul wrote, “and I count them...