Jun 4, 2015 | Christian Living, Romans, The Bible
The hymn writer has rightly said that “Grace is greater than all our sin.” When we look at the fact that God’s grace is more abundantly powerful than our capacity to turn away from Him, we sometimes conclude–wrongly–that we are therefore free...
Feb 9, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible
Give us this day our daily bread. Years ago, one of my seminary professors quite rightly pointed out that the Lord’s Prayer does not say, “Give us this day our daily cake.” The kind of bread that we buy in stores probably would not sustain life for...
Jan 28, 2013 | Christian Living, Culture
Rebellion against God will warp and twist your soul. It will change you, and will rob you of discovering who God made you to be. The temptation to rebel can seem insurmountable at times, and our culture has seen to it that young people are hit especially hard. The...