Psalm 117: What You Need to Know

Psalm 117: What You Need to Know

Psalm 117 is the shortest Psalm in all of the Psalter. In fact, it’s the shortest chapter in all of the Bible—but there’s a lot more meaning packed into this short Psalm than you may have realized: Praise the Lord, all nations; Laud Him, all peoples! For His...

Foundations of the Faith [Video]

Are you still keeping your New Years’ resolutions? Plenty of people will tell you that resolutions are a waste of time, because all they do is set you up for failure. I disagree. Of course we’re often going to fail to keep our resolutions! But if you make a...

The Teaching Role of the Church [Video]

The church’s mission in the world involves a message, and it’s the church’s job to teach that message effectively. The gospel message can be summed up in a few simple phrases: Jesus, the son of God, was crucified for our sins, he died and was buried, and he arose...
Letters From Paul to the Church

Letters From Paul to the Church

The Jews had always assumed that when Messiah came, that would be the end of the world, but as it turns out it was merely the beginning of the end. We’re still here. When Messiah came, He told his disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the...