Aug 12, 2015 | Christian Living, Psalms, Romans, The Bible
Years ago a friend and I used to meet regularly to pray about a particular request. I prayed fervently for a certain outcome, and I was convinced that God would grant my request. I was so confident that I remember telling my friend once, “You know, we have prayed so...
Aug 5, 2015 | Christian Living, Family, Romans
I can recall being at my grandmother’s house once when an argument broke out among my cousins. We were all children; I must have been 4 or 5 years old. I don’t remember what the argument was about, but my cousin Johnny was indignant: “That’s not fair!” Several of us...
Jun 12, 2013 | Christian Living, Psalms, The Bible
God has a mysterious way of absorbing our rebellion and the curse upon the created order, and making good come out of it all. This doesn’t make our evil actions good, but it does make good come from them. God is at work, and his work is not yet finished. We’re...