How to Become Mature, Complete, and Whole

How to Become Mature, Complete, and Whole

Sometimes I have to stop and ask myself what grips me. What focuses my attention? I try to do this from time to time, even when I know that my attention is focused on good things. When good things get out of place, they can become evil things, or certainly good things...

Foundations of the Faith [Video]

Are you still keeping your New Years’ resolutions? Plenty of people will tell you that resolutions are a waste of time, because all they do is set you up for failure. I disagree. Of course we’re often going to fail to keep our resolutions! But if you make a...
Growing with Grace: Contentment

Growing with Grace: Contentment

At the end of his life, the great Apostle Paul saw death as another point of departure, and also as a pushing forward: “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14) Paul’s life on earth was governed by a rich...
Growing with Grace: Our Purpose in Life

Growing with Grace: Our Purpose in Life

We tend to avoid talking about death and old age because we don’t want to be seen as morbid. There’s some good to this, but it can make it harder for us to address these inevitable occurrences head on. The Apostle Paul offers us a different model in his letter to the...
Faith is Bigger Than You Think

Faith is Bigger Than You Think

The book of Romans is not simply a gospel tract. It was not written merely to answer the question, “What must I do to be saved?” The book certainly explains how to be saved, but it deals more directly with the larger question, “How has God brought to fulfillment his...