Dec 15, 2014 | Family, The Bible
Years ago when our youngest son Paul was about 4 ½ years old, he decided to count down the days to Christmas. He had just enough memory and cognizance to realize that Christmas was an exciting time. For weeks he asked us over and over—“When’s Christmas? When’s...
Dec 10, 2014 | Christian Living, Church History, The Bible
Herod, the King of Judea when Jesus was born, was a remarkable madman. He is remembered for his cruelty, and not only because of the famous “slaughter of the innocents” described in Matthew 2:16-18: When Herod saw that he had been tricked… he became very enraged, and...
Dec 8, 2014 | Christian Living, Family, The Bible
Christmas is coming. Are you ready? It’s important that we not miss the heart of Christmas—what it’s all about. Don’t miss Christmas by being so loud and frenetic that you don’t have the opportunity to hear the Lord speaking to you. He longs to speak to you and to...
Dec 30, 2013 | Christian Living, Family, The Bible
This is the time of year when the joy of Christmas is a theme that we celebrate. There are so many signs of the season all around us. Listen to Dr. Robert Sloan talk about his family at Christmas, anticipation, the songs found in the Gospel of Luke, the importance of...