Sardis: A Warning Against Complacency [Video]
Imagine You're Walking Imagine you’re walking with an enormous group of people. You’re all being drawn in the same direction. Off to the side you see lightning and a massive, shining radiance. You hear thunder, and you hear music that’s unlike any sound you’ve ever...
Pergamum and Thyatira: Uncompromising Faith [Video]
The book of Revelation contains many symbols. Some of these symbols are used elsewhere in the scriptures and are relatively easy to interpret. Others were common in the ancient world, but may not be well known to modern readers. I’ll explain some of these symbols in...
Faith is Bigger Than You Think
The book of Romans is not simply a gospel tract. It was not written merely to answer the question, “What must I do to be saved?” The book certainly explains how to be saved, but it deals more directly with the larger question, “How has God brought to fulfillment his...
Smyrna: Remain Steadfast in Persecution [Video]
There is something about the suffering of God’s people that God uses in the world for his purposes. He does not test us so that we will sin, but rather so that we may be conformed to the image of Christ. We’re studying the book of Revelation at Kingsland Baptist...
Psalm 143: The Righteousness of Whom?
When the apostle Paul wrote that the righteousness of God would be revealed, (Romans 1:17) he was talking about something a lot bigger than just God’s moral virtue. In my last blog, I explained that the righteousness of God very often refers to God’s faithfulness to...
Ephesus: Remembering Our First Love [Video]
God is at work in the world through his people, and he wants to transform all of creation. We are part of his plan of restoration, but sometimes we lose sight of that fact. It seems that the church in Ephesus also lost sight of that fact. The book of Revelation tells...
Righteousness: It’s Not What you Think
More Than Moral Virtue When we read Paul’s letter to the church in Rome, it’s easy for us to assume that the word “righteousness” refers only to moral virtue. Actually, the word means much more than that. The scriptures certainly teach about moral virtue, but the word...
A Sacrifice of Love For One Another [Video]
How do you define success? The Gallup Poll has determined that success, or well-being, can be measured based on five categories: Career Relationships Finances Health Community In this video, you’ll find that the Bible’s definition of success encompasses all of these,...
Set Apart for the Gospel
Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans that he was “called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God.” (Romans 1:1) Exactly what did he mean when he used the word gospel? Gospel in Greek The word gospel has two related, but distinct, meanings in scripture. In...