Jun 24, 2013 | Christian Living, Psalms, Theology
The writers of the Bible often compared and contrasted the righteous man and the wicked man. Indeed, we must choose daily which of these images we want to emulate. But what about our children? How does one begin to teach a child to choose right from wrong? How...
Jun 19, 2013 | Christian Living, Psalms, Theology
Sometimes it can be hard for us to be fully honest in worship. When we come to the house of the Lord, we want to be encouraged, and we want to feel lifted up. That’s good, and there are Psalms that help us express that appropriately. But most of the Psalms have...
Jun 12, 2013 | Christian Living, Psalms, The Bible
God has a mysterious way of absorbing our rebellion and the curse upon the created order, and making good come out of it all. This doesn’t make our evil actions good, but it does make good come from them. God is at work, and his work is not yet finished. We’re...
Jun 3, 2013 | Christian Living, Psalms, The Bible, Theology
All of us have the opportunity to talk with people who are hurting. When you find someone who has suffered an injustice, however, that’s a bit of a different category. It’s not enough to say to some people, “Everything will be all right.” There are times when...
May 30, 2013 | Christian Living, Family, Psalms, The Bible
Years ago, when I first started preaching, my mother came to hear me preach. She was notorious in our family for falling asleep in church, so I was proud when she didn’t fall asleep during my sermons. And then one day, it happened. I could see her from the pulpit, and...
May 22, 2013 | Psalms, The Bible
We’ll study a few of the Psalms together at Kingsland Baptist Church over the next few weeks. We can’t possibly look at all 150 of them, but I’ll pick one main Psalm to discuss each week, and I’ll reference several others in relation to the week’s main text. I...