Nov 27, 2013 | Family, The Bible
The language of family is used throughout scripture, and we can learn a lot about parenting by looking at the ways in which God interacts with us, his children. God as Father in Hosea There’s a very tender passage in Hosea 11 that speaks of God as Father. The prophet...
Nov 21, 2013 | Christian Living, Family, The Bible
In my next few blogs, I’m going to tell you everything I know about raising children. Sue and I used to joke that when we had no children, we had seven theories on how to raise children. Then we had seven children, and now we have no theories. There’s some truth to...
May 30, 2013 | Christian Living, Family, Psalms, The Bible
Years ago, when I first started preaching, my mother came to hear me preach. She was notorious in our family for falling asleep in church, so I was proud when she didn’t fall asleep during my sermons. And then one day, it happened. I could see her from the pulpit, and...
Apr 8, 2013 | Christian Living, Family, The Bible
Scripture forbids homosexual behavior because it is the very antithesis of marriage. In Romans 1, Paul, with breathtaking speed, described homosexual experience as impure, dishonorable, degrading, and against nature. God, as an act of wrath, gave people over to those...
Apr 3, 2013 | Christian Living, Family
In the space of just one lifetime we have moved from a culture that celebrated marriage and children to a culture of divorce and cohabitation. We have moved from a commitment to family as a place of instruction, protection, and nurturing, to Hollywood’s ideal of a...
Mar 13, 2013 | Christian Living, Family, Higher Education
Memory is a key part of our work at Houston Baptist University. We’re shaped by the people and events that came before us, and we want to be intentional about cultivating good memories that will shape us all in the years to come. Memory is a powerful force, and we...