Apr 22, 2015 | Christian Living, Culture, The Bible
What kind of God is it with whom we have to do? Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet was not an accidental or exceptional event in His life. John 13 presents us with a parable that describes for us the very heart of the life of Jesus; something that is...
Apr 20, 2015 | Christian Living, Family
I can recall watching my mother, years ago, burst into tears as she prepared for brain surgery. Every step and every moment of that process was enormously difficult. My mother was a gracious woman, but she was anxious when we arrived at the hospital together, and the...
Apr 15, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible
In John 13 we read the unusual story of Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet on the occasion of the Last Supper. What we have here is something that could be called an acted parable. When you think of parables you normally think of the teachings of...
Apr 8, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible, Theology
The glory of God has come to us in the Person of Jesus Christ: And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) The Gospel of John makes it clear that the glory of...
Apr 6, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible
Is your life full of glory? Probably not, if you’re thinking of the normal sense of the word glory. In English, this word normally refers to praise and acclaim; attention. When we think of a word like glory, we imagine someone receiving the praise of a crowd....
Apr 1, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible
The way of power, the way of prestige, the way of great reward, comes via the way of the cross, the way of service, the way of suffering. Even Jesus’ own disciples didn’t understand this. Mark’s gospel presents us with a kind of living parable: Jesus...