Psalm 23: The Lord is My Shepherd [Video]

The trouble with having so many different Bible translations is that it makes it difficult for people to memorize scripture together. Psalm 23 might be an exception to this difficulty. Nearly everyone has heard the beautiful King James Version of this Psalm, and...

Psalm 24: Who May Ascend? [Video]

Psalm 24 is shorter than some the Psalms we’ve previously looked at in this series, and it has a fairly discernible structure. It begins with an echoing of the creation story from Genesis 1, (Psalm 24:1-2), moves on to talk about integrity, purity, and idolatry (Psalm...
Blessed Assurance: Am I Truly Saved?

Blessed Assurance: Am I Truly Saved?

My father was an amazing man. He died in 1986, and I miss him terribly. He was quiet, introverted, full of wisdom, and not at all ostentatious. Dad told me something that surprised me one time when I was in my late 20s. I had just received my doctorate, and I was...

Psalm 73: Renewal Through Worship [Video]

Psalm 73 has elements of thanksgiving, lament, and even complaint. At one point, the Psalmist is frustrated and angry, and unable to understand why the Lord allows the world to go the way it goes. He is envious of evildoers—the powerful, the rich, and the mighty—those...