Jan 13, 2014 | Christian Living, The Bible
Get your Bibles out as you join me in this video, which was recorded at Kingsland Baptist Church on December 29, 2013. I’ll talk about how the scriptures explain the concepts of light and glory, and I’ll pay special attention to the Gospel of John. Thank you for...
Nov 27, 2013 | Family, The Bible
The language of family is used throughout scripture, and we can learn a lot about parenting by looking at the ways in which God interacts with us, his children. God as Father in Hosea There’s a very tender passage in Hosea 11 that speaks of God as Father. The prophet...
Oct 30, 2013 | Romans, Theology
The book of Romans is not simply a gospel tract. It was not written merely to answer the question, “What must I do to be saved?” The book certainly explains how to be saved, but it deals more directly with the larger question, “How has God brought to fulfillment his...