Jun 8, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible
King Balak feared that the Israelites would overwhelm his nation. He had good reason to feel afraid; the book of Numbers tells us that the children of Israel had already defeated several neighboring countries when they reached Balak’s kingdom. The news of their...
Jun 4, 2015 | Christian Living, Romans, The Bible
The hymn writer has rightly said that “Grace is greater than all our sin.” When we look at the fact that God’s grace is more abundantly powerful than our capacity to turn away from Him, we sometimes conclude–wrongly–that we are therefore free...
Nov 4, 2013 | Christian Living, The Bible, Theology
The book of Revelation contains many symbols. Some of these symbols are used elsewhere in the scriptures and are relatively easy to interpret. Others were common in the ancient world, but may not be well known to modern readers. I’ll explain some of these symbols in...