Apr 28, 2020 | Christian Living, Psalms
I was recently asked to comment on the appropriateness of lamenting as a Christian, given the stress people are under because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In short, lament is a very appropriate response to the cruel losses and hardships of these days. The Bible not only...
Aug 24, 2015 | Christian Living, Psalms, The Bible
As with many of the Psalms, Psalm 36 is basically a Psalm of lament. The Psalmist has those who are attacking him, and he wants the Lord to rescue him. Here’s a basic outline that should help you as you read this Psalm yourself: • Verses 1-4: Lord, my enemies are...
Jul 15, 2013 | Christian Living, Psalms, Theology
Psalm 73 has elements of thanksgiving, lament, and even complaint. At one point, the Psalmist is frustrated and angry, and unable to understand why the Lord allows the world to go the way it goes. He is envious of evildoers—the powerful, the rich, and the mighty—those...
Jul 8, 2013 | Christian Living, Psalms
I hope our ongoing study of the Psalms has been beneficial for you. The Psalms are, of course, the hymn book of Israel. They represent collections of prayers and thanksgivings that cover many topics. Psalm 32 is remarkable in a number of ways. It’s not,...
Jun 24, 2013 | Christian Living, Psalms, Theology
The writers of the Bible often compared and contrasted the righteous man and the wicked man. Indeed, we must choose daily which of these images we want to emulate. But what about our children? How does one begin to teach a child to choose right from wrong? How...