Sep 25, 2019 | Christian Living, The Bible
I’ve been writing young adult fiction for a number of years, and because of it I’ve been thinking about the flaws, failures, and virtues of the characters in the novels. I have realized in a fresh way that one of the traditional attributes my characters...
Nov 16, 2017 | Christian Living, The Bible
In this season of the year, it’s important we ask ourselves, “Who am I thanking this Thanksgiving?” Am I thanking football for existing? Am I thanking fate for the Astros’ win? Am I thanking Macy’s department store for the annual parade? Our thanks should have more...
Oct 5, 2015 | Christian Living, Psalms, The Bible
Psalm 24 is, in its structure, fairly simple. It has three main parts and they’re very clear in what they say. The opening verses declare that the God of Israel is the creator God. Like Genesis 1, Psalm 24 begins with a strong assertion that God is the creator who...
May 27, 2014 | Christian Living, Romans, Theology
Too many people think the grace of God means they can say “whew! That’s a relief! I don’t have to do the will of God anymore!” Anyone who thinks that has completely misunderstood Paul. Paul’s message is clear, but his instructions to the Philippians in Philippians...
Jul 24, 2013 | Christian Living, Psalms, Theology
Psalm 24 is shorter than some the Psalms we’ve previously looked at in this series, and it has a fairly discernible structure. It begins with an echoing of the creation story from Genesis 1, (Psalm 24:1-2), moves on to talk about integrity, purity, and idolatry (Psalm...