Nov 20, 2017 | Christian Living, Family
Sometimes it’s hard to have faith. Even for the Christian, who trusts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, there are moments when our faith flickers low. Oftentimes, those moments have a lot to do with our circumstances. Wavering Faith in Scripture Characters in the New...
Nov 16, 2017 | Christian Living, The Bible
In this season of the year, it’s important we ask ourselves, “Who am I thanking this Thanksgiving?” Am I thanking football for existing? Am I thanking fate for the Astros’ win? Am I thanking Macy’s department store for the annual parade? Our thanks should have more...
Oct 23, 2017 | College Tips, Higher Education
After a long time away from education, people can feel anxious about going back to school. What about the new technology? Will I be out of place? What if I’ve forgotten how to study/write papers/etc.? In my final blog of college tips, I asked HBU faculty and staff...
Oct 17, 2017 | College Tips, Higher Education
So many college students struggle because they don’t know how to study. They cram the night before tests, wait until the last minute to write papers, or don’t take good notes in class. Every college student has to learn how to study, no matter their level of...
Oct 11, 2017 | College Tips, Higher Education
Moderation, discipline, self-control – they are all important lessons to learn on the college campus. Make friends, but don’t overdo social activities. Eat pizza and ice cream late at night with your roommates, just don’t make poor eating a habit. Study hard and long,...