Nov 16, 2017 | Christian Living, The Bible
In this season of the year, it’s important we ask ourselves, “Who am I thanking this Thanksgiving?” Am I thanking football for existing? Am I thanking fate for the Astros’ win? Am I thanking Macy’s department store for the annual parade? Our thanks should have more...
Sep 10, 2014 | Christian Living, Culture, Philippians
Some people become wealthy by expending their gifts in good and faithful ways. At the same time, others remain poor even though they also expend their gifts in good and faithful ways. As Christians, we must consider what the Bible says about money and finances. How...
Apr 7, 2014 | Christian Living, Philippians, The Bible
We must be ready to “strive for the gospel” during times of opposition like those the Philippians faced. How can we prepare? Practice is Necessary I mentioned a story from the Titanic in my last post—Captain Edward Smith’s crew understood that when he told them to “be...