Apr 3, 2017 | Christian Living, HBU Faith & College Series, The Bible
The Christian worldview starts with the one true and living God, who is good and purposeful, who keeps His word, and who is the creator of all things: The God of Scripture. As soon as we invoke the notion of Scripture, we are beginning to talk about the big story of...
Aug 24, 2015 | Christian Living, Psalms, The Bible
As with many of the Psalms, Psalm 36 is basically a Psalm of lament. The Psalmist has those who are attacking him, and he wants the Lord to rescue him. Here’s a basic outline that should help you as you read this Psalm yourself: • Verses 1-4: Lord, my enemies are...
Sep 25, 2013 | Romans, Theology
The writers of the New Testament believed the Old Testament stories were factual accounts of actual events. This belief controlled their understanding of what God had done throughout history. New Testament scholars sometimes try to connect the Old and New Testaments...
Apr 8, 2013 | Christian Living, Family, The Bible
Scripture forbids homosexual behavior because it is the very antithesis of marriage. In Romans 1, Paul, with breathtaking speed, described homosexual experience as impure, dishonorable, degrading, and against nature. God, as an act of wrath, gave people over to those...
Apr 3, 2013 | Christian Living, Family
In the space of just one lifetime we have moved from a culture that celebrated marriage and children to a culture of divorce and cohabitation. We have moved from a commitment to family as a place of instruction, protection, and nurturing, to Hollywood’s ideal of a...