Aug 10, 2015 | Christian Living, Philippians, The Bible
Another one of the great themes in Philippians is the notion of fellowship or partnership. Our word koinonia is virtually a transliteration straight from Greek, and that word koinonia or partnership in various forms, or fellowship, shows up a lot in the book of...
Jul 27, 2015 | Christian Living, Philippians, The Bible
When you study the book of Philippians you’ll come across the theme of joy. You’ll come across the theme of gospel. Paul often refers to the word gospel and the notion of the gospel, which is the death and resurrection of Jesus, the message of the death and...
Sep 17, 2014 | Christian Living, Family, Philippians
Years ago, the first pastorate I ever had was at a little church in a farming community south of Waco. It’s not there anymore, but I’ll never forget the wonderful experiences I had there—ministering to those people, learning from them, and being blessed by them. I...
Jan 27, 2014 | Christian Living, Philippians
The apostle Paul had an unusual relationship with his friends in the house churches at Philippi. He was in prison when he wrote, I thank God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy. (Philippians 1:3) Paul used...