Aug 31, 2015 | Christian Living, Family, The Bible
It’s so important that we pass our faith on down to our children, but it’s not always easy to know how to do that. I commend you for the time and thought you’ve put into sharing Jesus with your own children, and perhaps with other children you know as well. Here are...
Aug 26, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible
Did you know that one little word has probably caused you to misinterpret one of the most well-known verses in the Bible? Probably the best-known verse in all the Bible is John 3:16. Sad to say, it may also be the most frequently misinterpreted verse in all of...
Aug 19, 2015 | Christian Living, The Bible
You and I have a choice between two ways of living: we can live according to the covenant which the One True Creator God has made with His people, or we can live in disobedience. It’s common to see these two ways of life compared and contrasted in Scripture. Jesus...
Jun 17, 2015 | Christian Living, Family
I recall getting into quite a bind once when I was a youngster. I had lied about damaging a neighbor’s property. My father told me I would have to go over to the neighbor’s house to face them. I said, “But dad, what am I going to tell them?” He looked...
Jun 4, 2015 | Christian Living, Romans, The Bible
The hymn writer has rightly said that “Grace is greater than all our sin.” When we look at the fact that God’s grace is more abundantly powerful than our capacity to turn away from Him, we sometimes conclude–wrongly–that we are therefore free...