What Would Make A Proud Man Beg?

What Would Make A Proud Man Beg?

There are not many things in life that will make me beg. Sue and I have seven children and seventeen grandchildren.* I can say with confidence that, if my wife were to threaten to leave me, I would beg her to stay–not only for the sake of our family, but also...
Why did Paul defend his own apostleship?

Why did Paul defend his own apostleship?

In 2 Corinthians Paul gives a sustained defense of his apostleship. He had received quite a number of “slaps in the face” from the Corinthian congregation, and from certain opponents in Corinth. Though Paul was the founder of the Church and had spent some...
Philippians 1: Compelled By Love

Philippians 1: Compelled By Love

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5 that he was controlled by God’s love, shown for us through the faithfulness of the Messiah who loved us and gave himself for us: For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He...