Journey To Jerusalem: Stewarding Your Talents [Video]
This video was recorded at Kingsland Baptist Church on April 6, 2014. I’d love to hear your questions and comments—you can contact me through this page, or on Facebook or Twitter.
Philippians: 4 Steps To Unity With Other Christians
Paul told the Philippians that they would make his joy complete “by being of the same mind…” (Philippians 2:2) What did he mean? How can a group of diverse people be “of the same mind”? How to Be of the Same Mind Paul was not telling the Philippians that they needed...
Journey to Jerusalem: Take Up Your Cross [Video]
This video was recorded at Kingsland Baptist Church on March 30, 2014. I’d love to hear your questions and comments—you can contact me through this page, or on Facebook or Twitter.
Philippians: How Can We See Through Jesus’ Eyes?
Sue and I have 7 children, and we still remember each of their first words. We were living in Germany when our son Bryan said his first word: clock. That was unusual, but then we did have a cuckoo clock. Our fourth child, Michael, is athletic, so he loves that his...
Journey to Jerusalem: Kingdom of Heaven [Video]
This video was recorded at Kingsland Baptist Church on March 23, 2014. I’d love to hear your questions and comments—you can contact me through this page, or on Facebook or Twitter.
Philippians: Are You Experiencing Comfort in Christ?
Paul was suffering when he wrote 2 Corinthians. The whole theme of this letter has to do with his defense of his apostleship. His detractors in Corinth claimed that, because Paul suffered so much in the course of his ministry, the glory of God wasn’t on him. Paul...
Join Ted Cruz, Marvin Olasky and Me at HBU
We live in trying times. Those of us who take belief in the God of the Bible seriously feel burdened by the problems that arise in our increasingly secular society. People are abandoning truth, Western culture is failing, and the previously distinct lines between...
Defeating the Final Enemy [Video]
This video was recorded at Kingsland Baptist Church on March 31, 2013. I’d love to hear your questions and comments—you can contact me through this page, or on Facebook or Twitter. You can also subscribe to this blog via email here.
Death by Crucifixion [Video]
This video was recorded at Kingsland Baptist Church on March 24, 2013. I’d love to hear your questions and comments—you can contact me through this page, or on Facebook or Twitter.