Feb 8, 2013 | Culture, Family
My son Michael Sloan has written a brief, strong defense of the liberal arts. I’ll share just a small piece of it here, but I encourage you to read the whole thing at the Winston-Salem Journal: Classics and other disciplines in a liberal arts curriculum offer...
Jan 30, 2013 | Culture, Higher Education
I didn’t really enjoy the movie Napoleon Dynamite the first time I saw it. My kids asked me to watch it with them after it came out a few years ago. Though I noticed a few funny lines, I thought it was silly and didn’t have much point to it. When I heard my...
Jan 28, 2013 | Christian Living, Culture
Rebellion against God will warp and twist your soul. It will change you, and will rob you of discovering who God made you to be. The temptation to rebel can seem insurmountable at times, and our culture has seen to it that young people are hit especially hard. The...