Apr 22, 2015 | Christian Living, Culture, The Bible
What kind of God is it with whom we have to do? Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet was not an accidental or exceptional event in His life. John 13 presents us with a parable that describes for us the very heart of the life of Jesus; something that is...
Apr 7, 2014 | Christian Living, Philippians, The Bible
We must be ready to “strive for the gospel” during times of opposition like those the Philippians faced. How can we prepare? Practice is Necessary I mentioned a story from the Titanic in my last post—Captain Edward Smith’s crew understood that when he told them to “be...
Oct 14, 2013 | Christian Living, Romans
How do you define success? The Gallup Poll has determined that success, or well-being, can be measured based on five categories: Career Relationships Finances Health Community In this video, you’ll find that the Bible’s definition of success encompasses all of these,...